Easy to Learn. Easy to Use.

We designed our mobile inspection app, Inspect-a-Lot™ to work with ClickFORMS®, the appraisal industry's most intuitive form-filling software. So of course we designed Inspect-a-Lot to be easy to learn and use. It more closely mimics the way that appraisers approach field work than any other mobile app and because it works the way you do, you'll have an easier time mastering the app and integrating it to your workflow.

Save Time & Increase Productivity

Team Appraising was designed for appraisers, trainees and assistants who want to work as a team and out produce the competition. Team Appraising combines the benefits of desktop appraisal software, mobile inspection software, online form processing and cloud storage with instant data syncing to all team members, plus member management to create the supporting technology framework needed by all appraisal teams.

Inspect-a-Lot™ Features

Quickly Gather/Verify Data

Appraisers have a system and logical approach to their inspections and Inspect–a–Lot's data input screen follows this logical pattern. Using a single, scrolling interface that's easy to navigate with a flick on the screen, appraisers are guided through the inspection in a way that's familiar and natural. No more hunting numerous screens to find the field you want, or bouncing back and forth through forms while entering data and photos. You'll find the intuitive interface easy to use because it works the way you do.

Logical Interface is easy to navigate

Logical Interface is easy to navigate

"Inspect-A-Lot is awesome. Definitely saves me time on report data entry – at least 20 minutes" I feel like I've done a great inspection because Inspect-A-Lot made the inspection process a lot easier and more thorough." —C. Kersh
Photos are automatically transferred

Photos are automatically transferred

Easily Label and Transfer Your Photos

No more searching through camera memory cards to import the right photo, for the right property. Now your photos are easily organized while in the field and instantly imported to the report back at the office.

Simply take photos in the field with your iPad, label them and then directly import your photos into your report. This is an incredible time saver and keeps you from losing track of photos.

"I know it will definitely save me time and I absolutely love the way it integrates all the photos into the report, instantly." —B. Fulsher

Sketch with Your Finger

Inspect-a-Lot allows you to easily and naturally sketch your subject using just your finger. The integrated sketcher is completely new, but so straightforward and familiar to all appraisers. Quickly sketch out essential measurements and features while verifying GLA, floorplan, labeling room layouts, etc., while on location. Avoid measurement errors that necessitates a time-wasting return inspection, making you look unprofessional. The sketch instantly transfers to your report in an addendum along with the calculated GLA.

Sketch with your finger

Easily sketch with your finger

"The sketching program is easy to use… Thank you for a great product!"
—J. Owen
Photos are automatically transferred

Data, photos, sketches go directly to ClickFORMS

Import Data Directly to Your Report

Inspect-a-Lot has a unique approach to inspections that guides and speeds you through your field work. Inspect-a-Lot will also save you a considerable amount of time back at your desk. No more printing MLS data, public records and comp sheets to put on your clipboard. Just upload the data to Inspect-a-lot for verification in the field. After your inspection, transfer the data, photos and sketches directly to your report and work file. The time saving in not retyping and avoiding typos is incredible.

"My staff no longer has to decipher my chicken scratch! Inspect-a-Lot results in a clean, complete inspection with readable notes! Inspect-a-lot is a major time saver."
—M. Yaklin
Get Started with Inspect-a-Lot™
A Better Way to Produce Appraisals Faster

Try it for FREE

Full Length Training Video:

  • Ready to see the Inspect-a-Lot app in action? Here's the full length training video that will show you the data transfer with ClickFORMS, the built-in sketcher and how seamlessly your photos and data are transferred. Click here for the Video.
Would You Like to Learn More About Inspect-a-Lot

If you would like to learn more about Inspect-a-Lot, please provide us with information about the best time to reach you. We look forward to sharing how to quickly navigate the Inspect-a-Lot interface, how easy taking photos, labeling and transferring them to your report and how to transfer subject and comp data from your report to your iPad and then back again.

Let ClickFORMS and Inspect-a-Lot Transform Your Business

It's Easy to Switch to ClickFORMS. Let Us Help You Discover How ClickFORMS and Inspect-a-Lot Can Make Your Appraisal Business More Streamlined and Efficient.

Inspect-a-Lot™ Requirements

  • Running iPad iOS version 11 or higher
  • Running ClickFORMS version 9.71 or higher
  • Note: Currently, 6th Generation iPad Mini is not compatible.
iPad Choices for Use with Inspect-a-Lot
We have tested Inspect–a–Lot with the new iPad models and they all perform well. One exception is the iPad Mini, 6th Generation. The new Mini is larger than previous models and is currently not supported. We recommend any of the other iPads in Apple's current line up.